[ESX] Graffiti War OtherOS
15.00 EUR
- Admins or superadmins can use /graffitiwar start/finish commands.
- Just who started the war admin and gangs, can see the scoreboard and timer when started war.
- Spraying each wall earns +1 point. if the wall is already sprayed, -1 point for the previously sprayed gang and +1 point for the newly sprayed gang.
- Gang with the most points at the end of the war time wins the war.
- All gangs see the name of the winning gang in big text on their screen.
- After the war, name of the winning gang is written on all the walls. (If there is no draw)
- ESX (player, jobs, notification, usable item)
- Detailed and easy config. (Change everything. (text font, scale, color etc) Add new gang, add new wall, change script language.)
- No ip-locked and no obfuscated.
- Sync between all clients.
- Full optimized. 0.01 ms at idle.
- +100 empty and graffiti walls added. (You can add new walls)